
Open Source Options For Education

This document presents options for open source software for use in the education sector. Some of these may have uses outside of education, but they are presented here in the context of their specific benefits to educational establishments, or their use in the course of teaching and learning. Link

The above is an amazing collection of sources of  free open source educational tools. Any organization that is serious about reducing their academic technology costs should have a person assigned to understanding the resources detailed in this document.

Educause, Horizon Report 2013


This report provides an excellent in depth review of the major technology trends in education. Extensive coverage is given to MOOCs and tablet computers as rapidly emerging forces that are impacting education with unimagined speed. If you are interested in online learning this is a must read report.

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Knowledge Works Forecast 3.0, 2013: Forecast3_0 This is the most recent (Feb 2013) forecast from Knowledge Works and its most significant. This forecast lays out not only the transformational changes that are happening in education but also how they relate to business and cultural changes that are also being driven by technology. This forecast presents a holistic view of education, business, culture and government. This is one of the most significant documents of the year.

Knowledge Works 2020 Forecast. Link. Major forces of change are challenging us to realize a world of learning that puts learners at the center, leverages technologies and human capital in new ways, and incorporates new structures. This world of learning will make it possible for all learners to develop deep knowledge and abilities in order to t hive throughout their lifetimes. To make this vision a reality, new ways of thinking and acting will be required.

Disruptive innovation and the higher education ecosystem post 2012. Link. Leadership Foundation for Higher Education, February 2012. This paper presents speculative scenarios of pending disruptions in higher education, taking into account the changes which have taken place in professional services.

A ‘Disruptive’ Look at Competency-Based Education; How the Innovative Use of Technology Will Transform the College Experience. Center for American Progress, 7 June, 2012. Link What college graduates know and can do is more important than what goes into the curriculum. Competencies need to be defined rather than content and reading.

Tough Choices or Tough Times: The report of the new commission on the skills of the American Workforce. National Center on Education and the Economy ToughChoices_EXECSUM

The state of higher education in 2012: Grant Thornton. The state of higher education in 2012

2010 Horizon Report: Six emerging technologies or practices are described that are likely to enter mainstream use on campuses within three adoption horizons spread over the next one to five years. 2010-horizon-report

Model Core Curriculum Standards: These are the current standards adopted by the vast majority of states in the United States. This is a link to the web site where they can be downloaded.

National Center for Academic Transformation, NCAT: This web site link is a wealth of information on proven approaches for transforming education that lower the costs and improve the results.

Disrupting College; How Disruptive Innovation Can Deliver Quality and Affordability to Postsecondary Education, Clayton Christensen, February 2011 Disrupting_College link.

Office of Science and Technology Policy: Transforming Teaching and Learning, Office of the President, March 08, 2011, Plan to increase Americas’s investment in research and innovation that has the potential to transform teaching and learning. ARPA-ED. Link.

21st Century Skills Map: National Council of Teachers of English: 21st_century_skills_english_map

Common Sense: The Bachelor’s Degree is Obsolete: Center for College Affordability and Productivity and from Inside Higher Ed. CommonSense

Model Core Teaching Standards (draft): Council of Chief State School Officers. Model_Core_Teaching_Standards_DRAFT_FOR_PUBLIC_COMMENT_2010

Evaluation of Evidence=Based Practices in Online Learning: A Meta-Analysis and Review of Online Learning Studies: US Department of Education Online_Education Meta Analysis

The Impact of the Open Source Portfolio on Learning and Assessment: Merlot Journal of Online Learning and Teaching. Open Source Portfolio & Assessment

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